07 Jul

We can clearly witness how the agriculture industry is becoming more interested in durability and environmental friendliness. Organic fertilizers are fertilizers made completely of natural plant or animal source ingredients. Mostly composed of composted manure. Organic fertilizers release nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium when soil organisms such as beneficial bacteria and fungus break down the fertilizer pellets. Actually, in simple words, the main difference between organic and chemical fertilizers is that the former enhances the fertility of the soil by enhancing its health and condition. Let us have a quick look at the benefits of using organic fertilizer now - Using organic fertilizers has benefits - 

  • Equilibrium in the soil ecosystem
  • Since organic fertilizers don't leave behind any synthetic substances, they don't disturb the soil's equilibrium
  • Promotes natural plant health; they are natural; environmentally friendly
  • There is no need for chemical intervention during the decomposition process.
  • A modest yet steady rate of nutrient delivery
  • Halts excessive fertilization

 Natural fertilizers are responsible for increasing the amount of microbial activity in the soil. Types of acids, such as humic and amino, are utilized by organisms to break down organic fertilizers. During the process, oxygen is required to make the soil structure lighter. And this is the combination that helps in achieving results of rich, healthy soil with excellent biodiversity. Products like fulvic acid for plants and crops are very beneficial. Basically, two factors lead to the breakdown of organic fertilizers. The first is to strengthen the fundamental structure of the soil. The second goal is to make it more capable of retaining water and other nutrients for a longer length of time. Crops can become healthier and more resilient over time with the frequent and judicious usage of these natural fertilizers. Additionally, organic fertilizers include suitable quantities of micronutrients, including calcium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, and copper, whereas synthetic fertilizers only give the crop fundamental nutrients.

It becomes important to make use of organic products such as Fulvi 75 plus in agricultural fields. And farmers must approach a trusted service provider to gather more information about the specific organic product as well as to buy the same.

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