18 Jan

In recent decades, there has been a change in how farmers are expanding their understanding, especially in relation to soil fertility for crop growth, returning to give due importance to the organic part of the soil and the microflora and existing microfauna. 

In general terms, a soil is made up of at least 50% water and air and the other 50% is made up of minerals and  la materia orgánica. For a soil to be considered fertile, it will have to maintain a balance of these camponents, which allows the proper growth of both microorganisms and plant roots. 

Components of a fertile soil. 

At least 3 basic aspects are considered, regarding the issue of soil fertility, which are: 

1.- Biological.

2.- Physical.

3.- Chemical. 

  • Biological aspect

Organic matter and microorganisms 

Organic matter is produced by plants and animals in different degrees of decomposition. The next step in the decomposition process will be to obtain humus, made up of a heterogeneous group of substances obtained from cellular organic molecules and all this favors a favorable ecosystem for the life of microorganisms. 

Our ácidos fúlvicos  streamline the natural humification process by increasing the reproductive capacity of microorganisms. 

  • Physical appearance

Soil structure 

The soil structure is of vital importance so that the water-air relationship in the rhizosphere provides the minimum conditions essential for the adequate growth and development of the roots and the existing microorganisms. 

Our fulvic acids participate in the particle aggregation process that will allow with frequent use to gradually modify the formation of aggregates that increase porosity, increase resistance to erosion and improve the ion exchange capacity. 

  • Chemical appearance

Nutrient availability 

Ion exchange sites are required that allow the roots of the plants to take up the inorganic nutrient, under adequate pH conditions. 

Our fulvic acids  participate in this process, increasing their bioavailability. 

It is important to remember that it is necessary to know the nutrient content in the soil and supplement with the appropriate amounts to supply the nutrient demand of the crop based on the target productivity to be achieved.

Our fulvic acids will actively help create the right conditions to reach the potential of your crops. 

Fitochem presents you with quality organic products, supported by scientific studies. We are the solution in nutrition , with products that will help you improve the biological and physical-chemical conditions in favor of your crops.

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