16 Sep

If we use Fulvic Acids for Agriculture (Ácidos Fulvicos Para La Agricultura), it benefits a wide range of businesses and industries. No wonder nutrient-rich soil promotes better plant growth, which is why fertilizers and pre-packaged soil always comprises humic and fulvic acid in some form. The concentrated substance offers maximum nutrient delivery to the plant to reassure superior growth and viability.


The major purpose is to make the most likely environment for crops to grow—the more your soil is optimized, the better your yield is. And Fulvi acids are well known as products that promote better absorption and translocation of nutrients to the plants.


According to a recent study by the National University of Mexico, Mexico, even aminoacids, one vital factor in the metabolism of organic matter, works best along with fulvic acids.


What was the study?


Basically, the researchers put two groups with the same weight of poblano chili seeds in equal masses of black ground land, in two different plant pots. Both of them were irrigated daily for 21 days with 50ml of a water solution containing the mixture of amino acid. But in 1 pot, they mixed Fulvic Acid with aminoacid, and for the other one, they only use aminoacid. After 21 days of daily irrigation, it is found that the plant in the pot, irrigated with fulvic acids, has absorbed one proportion equal to 2.76 times more than pot irrigated without fulvic acid.


In a nutshell, as Effects of Fulvic Acid (Acido Fulvico Efectos),  nutrients get better absorbed by the leaves of the plants if one uses fulvic acid in the irrigation process.


So if you want your plants to grow with the abundance of nutrition, don’t forget to use Fulvic Acids.


Fitochem offers you top quality organic products, supported by scientific studies. Their fulvic acid is an active soil improver as it favors the structural characteristics, ionic exchange, and improvement in microbiological reproduction that together will better the soil fertility. Besides that, their products will help you stabilize soil chemistry, enhance the availability of nutrients, and build a soil structure beneficial to your crops.


For more information, visit- En.fitochem.com.


Originally published at- https://fitochem.jimdosite.com/blog/

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